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Last Saturday, the teams from IBL Logistics (Madcourrier), Arcadia Travel Madagascar, Australair GSA Mada, and G2ACAMAS Madagascar, companies that are members of the IBL Group, once again mobilized for an important cause: the reforestation of the Angavokely forest station.

🌱 After monitoring our actions in 2024, we unfortunately found that about 45% of the trees planted last year were destroyed by a devastating fire. In response to this, we have decided to renew our commitment by reforesting this area again with tree species more resistant to fires. We thank the Graine de Vie Madagascar Association for providing us with 1,000 young plants.

🌱 Thanks to the support of the technicians from the Angavokely forest station, we have strengthened protection measures, including the establishment of firebreaks and a monitoring system for the young plants. Additionally, we have carried out awareness-raising activities with local communities to encourage the preservation of this fragile ecosystem.

🌍 Environmental protection is everyone’s responsibility! Let’s stay committed and united to ensure a greener and more sustainable future. 🌿💚

Graine de Vie Madagascar Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development #CNFTFAngavokely

#Reforestation #IBLGroup #Environment #Commitment #IBLLogistics #ArcadiaTravelMadagascar #AustralairMadagascar #G2ACAMASMadagascar #Madcourrier #Reforestation #GrainedeVie #CNFTF #Angavokely